Watch, design and influence
Identifying the relevant information is essential in order to support the positions of economic players with relevance. Relians offers three levels of monitoring: institutional monitoring, sensitive information and decision support.
The design of the lobbying strategy is an influence assistance made up of strategic studies and a mapping of institutional actors, as well as the development of key arguments and appropriate behavior.
Any influence action implies communication with the public authorities. By a direct approach of institutional stakeholders, the preparation for hearings and the retention of contacts, economic players are positioned close to public decision-makers.

For your lobbying efforts, RELIANS provides you with a continuous informational monitoring service covering all institutional documents relevant to your activities. RELIANS presents this selection within its context and organized by political, legal, technical, and strategic relevance to support your influence efforts effectively.
RELIANS also gathers useful information to guide your public affairs strategies. We enable you to access information close to its original source, often reserved for decision-makers. This saves you valuable time over your competitors. RELIANS cross-references this information from various sources, ensuring you receive reliable data. RELIANS keeps you informed of any developments in this data, guaranteeing you up-to-date and actionable information for your engagements.
To help you succeed in your lobbying, RELIANS presents its information monitoring along with commentary to assist you in making the right decision. Your information monitoring becomes a strategic tool through the accompanying analysis. RELIANS turns its information into a genuine added value for your activities. Your monitoring system thus becomes an indispensable asset in pursuing your interests.
In this way, RELIANS becomes your personal alert network. It serves as a true public affairs alert system, enabling you to act in real-time.
Designing Your Strategy
In its lobbying and public affairs mission, RELIANS assists you in defending your cases before public authorities. We help you build key arguments and determine the appropriate approach. RELIANS provides you with well-constructed arguments and alternative strategies within a true partnership approach. This ensures that you always maintain a firm grasp on the course of procedures or events.
For your lobbying efforts, RELIANS conducts a thorough assessment of institutional and political issues. To help you understand the obstacles or opportunities impacting your activities, we present a comprehensive overview of the context in which your public affairs actions take place. This enables you to assess your chances of success with the Government, parliamentary assemblies, political movements, and opinion leaders. RELIANS clarifies the positioning of your lobbying efforts within the institutional and political landscape.
To optimize your lobbying efforts, RELIANS creates a mapping of the relevant stakeholders. We provide you with a complete overview of the individuals you may encounter throughout the decision-making process affecting you. RELIANS also provides a map of alliances and opposition, helping you understand the dynamics of the forces at play. RELIANS details the contacts to establish and the stakeholders to engage with, giving you the tools to connect with the people or institutions critical to your interests.
To help you succeed in your lobbying, RELIANS presents its information monitoring along with commentary to assist you in making the right decision. Your information monitoring becomes a strategic tool through the accompanying analysis. RELIANS turns its information into a genuine added value for your activities. Your monitoring system thus becomes an indispensable asset in pursuing your interests.
In this way, RELIANS becomes your personal alert network. It serves as a true public affairs alert system, enabling you to act in real-time.

As a Public Affairs Firm, RELIANS Decodes the Inner Workings of Power for You
RELIANS not only explains the rules of the game (legislative procedures, regulatory processes) but also how decision-makers operate within the institutional and political landscape.
RELIANS organizes your introduction to the institutional and political world. We prepare your meetings with public decision-makers and ensure access to the right contacts, allowing you to conduct your lobbying efforts with public authorities effectively. RELIANS also accompanies you in meetings with public decision-makers, handling the outreach to institutional actors in your sector. In compliance with HATVP regulations, we provide a confidential service with targeted contacts, ensuring a discreet relationship.
The firm offers you a network of contacts useful for your lobbying efforts. We leverage our ability to forge strategic connections to help you save time in building high-level relationships. In this way, RELIANS preserves and develops your relational capital.
Interest Representation
Interest representation, commonly referred to as lobbying, involves any communication or interaction with a public decision-maker aimed at influencing a public decision. This activity, governed by law, seeks to ensure transparency and integrity in relations between interest representatives and public institutions.
Under Law No. 2013-907 of October 11, 2013, concerning transparency in public life, each communication made within this framework must be meticulously recorded. This record takes the form of a mandatory entry on a register of interest representatives, maintained by the Haute Autorité pour la Transparence de la Vie Publique (HATVP), an independent body responsible for overseeing public integrity in France. This register makes the role of various lobbying actors and their interactions with decision-makers accessible and transparent.
Since its inception, Relians has been listed on this register, demonstrating its commitment to strictly comply with the rules in force. The mandate of interest representation signed by Relians ensures that all its influence activities respect not only the current laws and regulations but also the ethical principles established for lobbying.
This approach guarantees that interest representation activities are conducted ethically, transparently, and in respect of democratic values. Thus, the lobbying actions carried out by Relians align with high standards of transparency and accountability, helping to strengthen public trust in the decision-making process.